بلغاريا: تخريب مسجد بلوفديف والشرطة تعتقل 120شخصا.

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Saturday, 14 April 1435, corresponding to February 15 / m in February 2014 and the ascension of the news agency “Mina.”

Bulgaria – Plovdiv

Bulgarian police managed to arrest more than 120 people on Friday by the attack on a mosque in the city of Plovdiv, the second largest city in the country and Khrbuh.

During the resumption of an issue for the re-old mosque in the town of Karlovo gathered more than two thousand people in front of the Court of Plovdiv, where

Police said in a statement that the demonstrators, who were in court marched later in parts of the city and some of them chanted racist slogans and approached the mosque, which was cordoned off by police.

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The statement added that ‘the mosque was pelted with fireworks and torches and stones. The policeman was wounded and arrested more than 120 people, “recounted stated in the report Sa.ae .

Prosecutors said that he face charges of subversion for eight people and crimes against religion and hostility to foreigners.

Bulgarian television showed footage of a number of protesters were injured in clashes with the police, it seems.

The Mufti of Bulgaria condemned the attack on the mosque.

Source: Agencies


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