طلب العلم وآدابه من قصة موسى والعبد الصالح

Friday, 13 April 1435, corresponding to February 14 / m in February 2014 and the ascension of the news agency “Mina.”

Bahaa Eddin Abdel Fattah essential

Introduction :
The application of science has a high status in Islam, and the blessings that Onamha God to Adam after his creation that his knowledge of God – the Almighty – all the names; then Abtlah and experienced by them before the angels, was maintained for science, thanking the grace of the Lord on the flag, Vkavoh Mawla – Blessed Him – heaven; Almighty said : { and said, O Adam, dwell you and your spouse Paradise and both of them Raghda where Hitma not nigh this tree lest ye become oppressors } [ Baqarah: 35] and make the Messenger of Allah – peace be upon him – the door of the gates of Paradise and is connected to it, he said “From wire to seek a way in which God is the easy by way of the Commission”, and texts that indicate this sense are endless .

and Mawla – and the Almighty – hit us, for example, of the finest examples of the application of science from scientists and ethics of seeking knowledge that must be met by the student of science in person of Moses – peace be upon him – in a few verses of Sura .

science in Islam has its place, which is not known to the owners of proper understanding, does not deny this status for science and scientists, but the fools who do not know .

Thread :
He says : { As Moses said to a girl will not stop even informed the Bahrain Mall or spend eras When he reached the complex between them forgotten Hutema took to him in the sea squadron When aged over said to a girl, give us our lunch has been greatly from our travel this monument said what do you think it Oana to the rock, I forgot the whale and humane, but the devil to remind him and took him in the sea screamed said that what we have been seeking Fartda on their impact stories and found a slave of worshipers gave him mercy from us and we learned from the DNA note * Moses said to him you follow you that they have learned what I learned rational said you would not be able patience with me and how patient on what do not degrade the news He will find me, God willing, Sabra is not disobey you said the Atbatna do not ask me for something even newer than you male Vantalega …} [ Cave: 60-71 ].

I. disclose the status of the parties to the educational process – or more accurately the learning process from student to science?
First Party: Student science Moses, he is a prophet and messenger of God – Clem God directly from behind the veil – I know the children of Israel the Torah revealed by God it .
second party: Abdul blessed branch of the branches of science different .

اقرأ أيضا  الطريق المبين في دعوة غير المسلمين

then conclude the conditions in the application of science :
the first condition: love to seek knowledge and the desire for it :
learner lover to seek knowledge who want evidence saying also told him Mawla – and the Almighty -: { As Moses said to a girl will not stop until told Bahrain Mall or spend eras } The desire to seek knowledge is to be designated to endure hardship and suffering, Sir eras on his feet, any Ozmana long in order to seek knowledge .

then transmitted verses to condition a second; saying Mawla – and the Almighty -: {…  Do you follow you on that learned which I learned rational } , and this question reveals the humility of Moses – peace be upon him – setting aside his prophecy and his message but he implores his mentor in the literature gm that knows what it is blessed to learn from him and he is, he is the prophet and apostle kilims .

analysis also reveals that the question of knowing Moses as much as the teacher and prestige and stature, not least of Moses – for example – I am Musa bin Imran Messenger of God, taught me that knowledge of God, Hashah of bad manners, or said to him: God sent me to you to teach me, teach me, for transcendence; the status of Moses when his Lord, what should for him to say; prophets and apostles better people morally .

second condition: humility, and this leads to :
1 –
Politeness with the teacher .
2 –
and the necessity of knowing each learner as much as a mentor .

, and move on to another condition referred to verses; namely patience; asked of science needs to be patience, and should not be a psychology student if won a share of the flag or fortunate that only him and believed that he no patch on smth one of the scholars, is not entitled to a be reviewing it in the felt, has said Mawla – and the Almighty – a party for those Almighty said : { like them like that Astoukd fire when he lit up around him went God Bnorm and left them in darkness do not see } [ Baqarah: 17] has beaten God in this ideal image ( Mohammed and the people around him Mamenhm and Mnavgahm ) are (people asked for lighting the fire; Some of them guided by, and of them The first thing that ran high Farah was out but found the dark) in the sense that God has blessed them premium of science Vfrhawwa him and were satisfied with it; But they reneged on what God was pledged to prevent light from them ( the light of knowledge ) and leave them in the darkness of ignorance are not guided. They are hypocrites who bought life Hereafter after their knowledge of God and his approach .

اقرأ أيضا  سيد الاستغفار

, and draw from verse conditions III and IV
condition is the third of patience .
The fourth condition (POPs) on the application of science and lack of vanity or being deceived installment which earned it, and this is only possible if the sensed the student knowing that still a beginner does not know anything, and that he needs more, and knowing that he learned is worth nothing in the science of others, and this remains a modest thankful, which was of Moses – peace be upon him – he knows the people of God, a teacher exactitude and legitimized, and though he went to learn more than science .

also learn that science is not restricted to a people or a class of human beings, but the grace of God gives it to those who embraced the slaves; because the means of trials; It is thanks Zadeh God of them, and Kafr the torment of Allah is severe .

then transmitted verses to another condition of the conditions to be met in the learner .

fifth condition namely, understanding and awareness of the learner to learn; Almighty said : { And how patient is not derogatory by the news } ; Because understanding appoints the learner to continue to seek knowledge .

condition VI obedience learner to mentor; Almighty said : { He will find me, God willing, with patience and do not disobey you is }.

condition VII the availability of the ability of the elicitation has, and not depend learner a mentor in everything; Teacher knows and leaves nothing to Istnbth learner; thus teacher can measure the extent of the attention The concentration and the smartness of the learner .

Thus we learn from the story of Quranic conditions due to the seeker of knowledge, including the following :
1 –
the desire to seek knowledge .
2 –
humility .
3 –
patience to seek knowledge, maintaining .
4 –
not being deceived by a straight-learned by the learner to the extent that thought People know that .
5 –
to try understanding and awareness of what you learn, the inability asked .
6 –
obedience to the learner to mentor and not disobedience .

7 – the availability of the ability of the elicitation of the learner and not depend learner a mentor in everything .

conditions to be met in the teacher :
1 –
the availability of scientific material .
2 –
the selection of the means and the appropriate way to communicate science, (and this varies depending on the substance to be delivered and the age of the learner ).
3 –
understand the responsibilities and the size of the onus placed on it .
4 –
packets with the learner and not excuses above three, overpowering excuse first and second, and the third this parting between them, depending on the age level of the learner .
5 –
honesty in the delivery of science .
6 –
packets with the learner .

اقرأ أيضا  مساجدنا والمخالفات الشرعية

It started on the morals of the learner that infuses :
1 –
Politeness with the teacher .
2 –
to know as much as the teacher and stature .
3 –
lack of vanity or being deceived by what he learned, and knows that it is above all a science knows. It is thought that science was ignorance .
4 –
devotion to God in the teaching of science and maintenance on the application of science; because the science section of the Paradise and the performer it .
5 –
science preferred and the grace of God shall be a matter of wills of His slaves .
6 –
thanks for the blessing of knowledge is obligatory, It thanked the grace of science education for people on the right path and the right face and not conceal it from the people. For saying peace be upon him: “He who conceals note the enormous God reins of the fire of the Day of Resurrection,” and saying: “The best to learn the Koran and knowledge,” and saying: “I was sent a teacher . ”
7 –
applying self-restraint in appetite (showmanship to speak or to express an opinion – Competition to speak in the hands of the teacher .)

and things that relate to the story of teaching methods, including :
method of dumping and indoctrination based on dialogue and discussion, the beginning of the story (the dialogue between Moses – peace be upon him – and good servant ).
method of practice and experimentation, a stage starting (the ship – killing the boy – construction of the wall .)

The application of science needs to discourage high to endure hardship; Almighty said : { As Moses said to a girl will not stop until told Bahrain Mall or spend eras }.
, as we learn from the story is also not to rush to judgment Without the development of the wisdom of the act or deed, and leave it to the scholars and expertise; to the verse : { And if they had a command of security or fear Omaawa him even refer it to the Apostle and to the rulers of them knowing who Istnbtonh them and not for the grace of God and His mercy to you follow Satan only a little } [ women: 83 ].
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds .

Source: Agencies 

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