Saturday, 14 April 1435, corresponding to February 15, 2014 and the ascension of the news agency “Mina.”
Palestine – Gaza
Organized by the Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” march on Friday, February 14 in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, during which he, spokesman for Hamas, “Sami Abu Zuhri,” a word which he stressed the rejection of negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and Israel, and declared that Hamas will deal with any international force being published in the Palestinian territories the same logic to deal with Israel.
قراءة المزيد: الضفة.. الجيش الإسرائيلي يخطر عائلات فلسطينية بضرورة إخلاء منازلها في محيط مخيم جنين شمالي الضفة تمهي
He reiterated Hamas’s rejection of the plan, and U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, said, “We reject any negotiations result in an agreement by the Mission of the Authority and the occupation and Kerry .. Hamas will not let pass any agreement can be a req our rights.”
He called Abu Zuhri, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to “withdraw from the negotiations before it is too late,” said graduate Hamas in Rafah today (Friday February 14) to tell her no to negotiations, and that what is happening liquidation true for the rest of our rights and our constants. “
He said, “unfortunately, by the negotiator to sit at the negotiating table and to get involved in, and he knows the truth because they do not completely restore rights.”
He warned Abu Zuhri said in a statement Israel from going too far in its attacks against the Palestinian people, especially in the Gaza Strip and the breach of the truce. “According to what is stated in Islam today.”
قراءة المزيد: خروقات متواصلة.. مقتل فلسطيني برصاص الجيش الإسرائيلي وسط غزة
“The occupation can not continue to test the patience of the Palestinian resistance.”, Adding that “the resistance in the Gaza Strip has what surprises the occupation of any aggression on the Gaza offensive by thinking.
Source: Agencies
قراءة المزيد: إندونيسيا تدين انتهاكات إسرائيل لاتفاق وقف إطلاق النار