الرقابة على المسلمين لا تتنافى مع الدستور الأمريكي


Saturday, 21 April 1435, corresponding to February 22, 2014 and the ascension of the news agency “Mina.”

America – New York

 Judge William Martini – judge of the Federal Court in Newark, NJ – rules that are contrary to what the police in New York City to monitor clandestine Muslim mosques and their headquarters and their shops, with the U.S. Constitution,     and so the judge refused suit had been filed earlier in the number of Muslims New Jersey, and said that the New York Police Department spying on them secretly and illegally targeted for no reason, only their religious affiliation .

اقرأ أيضا  بكاء مسلمة في الطائرة يؤجج النقاش حول (الإسلاموفوبيا) في أمريكا

 Martini said that this surveillance program that has raised the anger of Muslims and human rights organizations, are not intended to distinguish the Muslims, because the real goal is to monitor the terrorists who hide among ordinary Muslims who adhere to the laws. According to a number of “Russia Today”

The intensive monitoring program carried out by the New York Police Department has revealed for the first time in a series of reports issued by the Associated Press, which found that the city’s police officers have infiltrated organizations and Islamic associations intensely after the attacks of September / September 2001.

The achievement of the Agency that the New York Police Department began several years ago comprehensive monitoring on the Muslims in the city, and with the help of the Central Intelligence Agency, put Acharthmjmuah of programs covering all aspects of Muslim life, and created huge databases containing information on restaurants frequented by Muslims and shops that they visit mosques and headquarters their work, without having to have evidence of their involvement in any activity that violates the law .

اقرأ أيضا  يونيسف: 250 مليون طفل في العالم يعيشون في مناطق صراع

As the policemen in civilian clothes to visit the city’s neighborhoods that were predominantly Muslim passers-by and recorded conversations and presented to the leadership of the police reports every day about what they heard and saw about Muslims.

Source: Agencies

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