ماليزيا : إسلام 302 قروي بمنطقة الصباح خلال أسبوع

Friday, 13 April 1435, corresponding to February 14 / m in February 2014 and the ascension of the news agency “Mina.”

Malaysia – Sabah

Aslam on Monday 302 Malaysian villager area during the morning of the individual efforts of some of the preachers, and began to set up their mosque in the same area  , this came after the entry of 64 Malaysian from the same village recounted reported in the human.

This entry has raised the issue in Islam angered some Christian organizations in the region and the issues raised on the preachers who do this effort, claiming that converts were forced to Islam, while the preachers denied this and assured the villagers Islam voluntarily after explaining Islam to them  .

اقرأ أيضا  مسيرة في ألمانيا للتنديد بحظر بكين الصيام في "تركستان الشرقية"

Source: Agencies

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