الكشف عن العبد الصالح بالقرآن والسنة

Friday, 13 April 1435, corresponding to February 14 / m in February 2014 and the ascension of the news agency “Mina.”

Akil Hamed

He says : )  and found one of our slave gave him mercy from us and we learned from the DNA note  *  Moses said to him that you follow you learned what I learned rational  ( [ Cave: 65.66 ].

Dealt with Cave Story of Prophet Moses with the slave who to whom God of his own mercy, and his knowledge of the Dinh note, what happened between the two of dialogue, they are applying to approve a person to be walking with him God’s prophet Moses, not to ask him what he does, does not deny him something, and approved of Moses (PBUH), and Sara all, and the story is known to all, and are listed in the cave completely, and what concerns us that the Koran did not give us the name of this good servant, did not say that a prophet or messenger Frankly speaking, here the scholars differed in his name , whether it is a prophet or not? Gold team of scholars that Abdul Saleh, not a prophet or a messenger, and went Others – including brand Albanian – to be a prophet, and argued, saying the Almighty : )  what I did for my order  ( [ Cave: 82], and this is right and wrong, and God knows best .


They differed in his name, said some of them: he did not name originally, and some of them said: His name greens, and some of them said so, and the right to be named (Greens), and mentioned in several conversations correct; including :

The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : (( The boy who was killed by the Greens printed infidel, even if his parents lived tasked to tyranny and disbelief )) ; Agreed, this is right and wrong, and God knows best .

اقرأ أيضا  ماذا بعد الحج؟


They differed in the life of vegetables there are two views :

•  Some of them say that he is still alive, and this is the view of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in his words .


•  Some of them said that he had died, and this is the view of the Albanian flag, and the right and wrong that he had died; because it did not prove true explicit evidence indicates his life, and there is no sound evidence explicitly indicates otherwise .


Hence it was a wise man and a student of science to speculate and manages and Atbesr in otherwise scholars in God’s prophet Greens peace be upon him, and benefit from their words and their investigations, and learn from their attitude and their approach and their literature in dispute and dialogue, and before that to learn and benefit from their sincerity and devotion to God – not Nczykém God – God Hsabhm, and learns base great great job, do not leave it only ignorant or stupid, bigoted to the words and passions, men and groups, from the minds of missing and souls empty hearts and empty nest where the devil, and spawned the chick, oh I wish I flew! Say a great big base of understands and takes out of science students as well as others which is : ” Tell the truth, God does not take you in to anybody as long, nor the prestige of the world . “


A great base and the prayers of a large, Sheikh Albani God calls them and says in its meaning : ” We ask God to make us of those who say the right not to take them in God to anybody as long, nor the prestige of the world , God bless the mark Albanian km was a world educator and adviser Savior! Here is dealing with the sayings of the predecessor no matter how high their business and increased their standing TAKES Wonder knowledge, discussed the evidence and proof detached passion observed the soul and the devil as he could, accept them as approved by the Quran and Sunnah and understanding of the nation’s predecessor, contained some of which violated the Quran and Sunnah and the guidance of the nation’s predecessor, without regard to the prestige who says the amount of adopted, The right deserving of being followed; as stated in the Quran and Sunnah and the guidance of the nation’s predecessor, for everyone – especially students of science and his campaign – that behave this way prophetic guidance is ancestral to know the religion and what is true and what was not true of the conversations and words and effects, and labor, including which is true, and what to leave bucking Huda al-Shara and ancestral ones .

اقرأ أيضا  لمحات إيمانية من مولد المصطفى


Has struck me very much to say al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah – Almighty God’s mercy – strange strange life of vegetables and that he met the prophet, peace be upon him, has raised this to say my great astonishment, and make myself very confused; because he did not just say to him, but was supported by a speech attributed to the Prophet infallible, but soon is still my surprise and confusion when I read the response Albanian him and his statement that the talk mentioned by Ibn Taymiyyah Almighty God’s mercy is not right, but the subject, and it was mentioned in the series, the weak number (5384) and commented upon, saying: “If I knew ways this talk The severity of weakness, it is strange to adopt Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah on the road first inclination in a fatwa to him to say that the lives of the Greens in his life, peace be upon him! was asked about in a referendum to him, he replied : ” As for his life, he is alive, and talk mentioned: ( (if he were alive to Zarny)), not out of him, does not know his assignment, but irrigated in the armrest Shafei and others: that he met the Prophet peace be upon him, and he said that he did not meet the Prophet, has said it was not aware of it, it is science that is not surrounded by …..! “

اقرأ أيضا  الأخوة الإيمانية


قلت: وهذه الفتوى كأنها كانت منه قبل أن يتمكن من العلم الصحيح، فإن أكثر فتاويه على خلافها، وأن الخضر مات، وأنه لو أدرك النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لوجب عليه أن يأتيه وينصره، كما بينت ذلك من كلامه في  مقدمتي لكتاب ((رفع الأستار لإبطال أدلة القائلين بفناء النار)) للإمام الصنعاني.


وقوله: “إنه اجتمع بالنبي“! كأنه يعني: بعد وفاته معزيًا به، وهذا هو الذي رواه الشافعي وغيره كما رأيت، وسكوته عن إسناده، بل واحتجاجه به على حياته، ورَدُّه على من قال بوفاته ونسبته إلى القول بغير علم – من شَطَط القول، لا سيما وهو ممن يشمله ردُّه!

المصدر: الألوكة

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